the blog of luis piloto


I’m luis piloto, a neuroscience phd student at princeton and a research scientist at deepmind. I consider myself an expert at being happy. I live to learn. My claim to fame is that I’ve never been bored a moment in my life. I dream of finding a way to circumvent sleep so I can learn and tinker and program forever. As someone once said at the end of this sentence, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead from sleep deprivation.” I think I’m unique in the way that everyone else is unique, which is like the way oranges are apples: they’re not.

On any given day I am one or more of the following:

a machine learning learner, a practitioner of the peculiar, a horror and sci-fi cinephile, a bocce jock, a neuroscientist, a vim fanatic, a maker of mischief, and many more things.

My advice to the world? Embrace the notion that you can learn something new from anyone at any time in any place.